Frequently asked questions

Welcome to our FAQ section, where we address the most common questions regarding our products to ensure that you can always find the answer you’re looking for.

If you can’t find the answer to your question, simply contact us using one of the methods provided below.

Store related

You can place on order using our online shopping system (this website), you can give us a call, or you can come down and visit us in person.

Delivery times vary depending on a range of factors, but typically we will try to get your delivery completed within the next couple of business days.

Product related

You can place on order using our online shopping system (this website), you can give us a call, or you can come down and visit us in person.

Delivery times vary depending on a range of factors, but typically we will try to get your delivery completed within the next couple of business days.

Contact Us Today

Drop us a line

To get started, simply fill out the form below or contact us using any of the provided contact methods.

Contact number

1300 655 853


236-238 Planet St, Welshpool, Perth WA 6106

Trading Hours

  • Monday 7am - 4pm
  • Tuesday 7am - 4pm
  • Wednesday 7am - 4pm
  • Thursday 7am - 4pm
  • Friday 7am - 4pm
  • Saturday 8am - 12noon
  • Sunday/Public Holidays Closed